Congratulations! Your virtual server is setup and ready to go.

You can immediately start uploading your Web pages to the Web server root directory, "/Htdocs" using either FTP, FTPs (FTP-over-SSL), Microsoft Expression Web or other supported publishing tools. We recommend designing your Web pages locally on your computer first and then uploading/publishing the files to your virtual server.

To access your virtual server via HTTP or FTP, use the autodomain that was provided to you in the Welcome message until your domain name is transferred to Intermedia Name Servers or the DNS has propagated.

For additional infromation on how to use Intermedia Web hosting services, go to our Knowledge Base.

For technical news and server updates go to Intermedia TechBlog

System information:

DotNet Framework version is:4.0.30319.42000
Impersonated as: IIS APPPOOL\

Loaded Assembles:

Note: This page (intermedia_welcome_page.aspx) will stop appearing as soon as you have placed your own default page in the "/Htdocs" directory.

Thanks for signing up with Intermedia - the leading business hosting provider offering Windows 2008 hosting, ASP.NET Hosting, AJAX Hosting, Exchange Hosting, SharePoint hosting, OCS 2007, Web hosting Reseller Program and more.